I offer consultation and supervision to licensed therapists primarily using a relational model. I consider the supervision relationship itself to be an important source of information for understanding the transference and counter-transference dynamics within the client-therapist dyad. It is a creative privilege for me to support you in the process of finding and elaborating your own therapeutic posture and voice, designing a solid clinical foundation and building your practice. My hope is to offer a supportive container that enables you to take time to examine and design the clinical practice you most long to live and work in.

If you are a more seasoned therapist, I encourage the capacity to sink in to the relationship, yourself and the work, to feel and know more about who you are, where you begin and end in the relationship, as well as to explore how to tolerate, think about and process inevitable enactments of both your own history and the client’s history in the therapy process and to encourage and gently flow toward expanding authenticity.

In my own work as a therapist, I pay attention to my clients and our relationship together through the lenses of depth, relational psychotherapeutic distinctions, a broad understanding of complex trauma, dissociation, attachment styles, primitive process, neurodivergence, mindfulness, and neuroanalytic valances.

I have supervised interns and graduate students from many graduate schools in the Bay Area, including The Pacific Center for Human Growth, The Holistic Counseling Center of John F. Kennedy University, Women’s Therapy Center, and at The California Institute of Integral Studies in the Integrative Counseling Program. I am a graduate of the two-year Supervision Study Program of the Psychotherapy Institute in Berkeley, California.

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To learn more about consulting with me, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

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